Harvey Milk Terminal 1
Departures - Level 2
Yorgo Alexopolus : Split

Split 2018

Yorgo Alexopolus
Two-channel digital animation on 4K LCD displays, aspect ratio 32:5 (6:40), synchronized media players. 11 minute, 30 second infinite loop (on 2 screens).
H28 in. x W171 in. x D4 in.
SFAC 183

Yorgo Alexopoulos creates paintings, time-based media artworks, and installations. He often synchronizes multiple monitors or projections in a dynamic ensemble to create an ever-changing, immersive spectacle. Using landscape symbolism as a point of departure, he combines geometric shapes with a multiplicity of moving images, whether filmed, photographed, painted, or drawn that unite representation and abstraction into a common aesthetic. In Split, Alexopoulos manipulates formal elements such as color and shape, morphing them into and out of real and imagined landscapes. In one scene, two moons slowly travel across a large rising sun, and in another, a camera pans across a golden solarized wetland. Ultimately, his pieces inspire us to think introspectively about things that are larger than ourselves.